Go West Memorial Scholarship
Inglemoor High School
Why Go West?
Jared’s trusted, good-natured demeanor, and thoughful insights drew people to him, and many friends sought him out for advice on navigating life as a young adult. Even his parents and sister turned to him for guidance, as he embraced life without fear. With his loss, many of us find ourselves asking, “What would Jared do?”, when we are struggling with life. The name of this legacy scholarship is what Jared’s answer would be, “Go West”, meaning be yourself, enjoy life, reach for your goals, and just go for it.
What is the amount and goal of this scholarship?
The Go West Memorial Scholarship is $3,500, to be awarded to a graduating Inglemoor High School senior in good standing with a minimum GPA of 3.0.
The scholarship aims to honor the legacy of Jared West (class of 2016) by supporting a fellow Inglemoor HIgh School (IHS) student who demonstrates the qualities of being inclusive, accepting, and engouraging of others; balances having fun and making time for others, while excelling towards individual goals; is an involved and dedicated team player; leads as an equal; and draws out the best in everybody.
How can I be considered for this scholarship?
To be considered for this scholarship, you must be nominated either by a fellow IHS student or a member of the IHS teaching, coaching or administrative staff. The Scholarship Selection Committee will review the nominations and notify those selected to complete an application. Interviews will be conducted with the finalists.
What do people need to do to nominate someone?
The button below takes the nominator to an online form that asks for the name of the student being nominated, whether the nominee has clear plans after graduation to further their education, and then requires examples of how the nominee embraces the characteristics and traits of Jared West, outlined further below, and why the nominee should receive the scholarship.
What does the actual application portion involve?
The application involves responding to two (2) essay questions. One is mandatory and is, “in your own words, how would you describe selflessness? How do you personify selflessness in your everyday life?”
For the second essay question, the applicant selects from seven (7) questions that focus on supporting and encouraging others, making a difference, being inclusive of other perspectives and viewpoints, accepting and adapting from a challenge, or the impact you made through a leadership role.
An additional letter of support will also be accepted.
Who is on the Scholarship Selection Committee?
The Selection Committee consists of the Foundation Board Members and Inglemoor High School alumni of the class of 2016.
What is the schedule for awarding the scholarship?
Nominations are due by January 31st. In February, the Selection Committee will review the nominations and by March selected nominees will be invited to officially apply for the scholarship. Applications will be due by April 11th. Interviews of the three finalists will occur in late April, with the scholarship awarded in May.
What are Jared’s characteristics and traits?
Unknowingly a good person
Genuine, kind, and thoughtful
Does the right thing even when hard
Radiates good values and morals
Respectful, accountable, patient, hardworking with perseverance
Embraces life in all of its forms and is able to adapt successfully
Finds the silver lining in all circumstances, turning obstacles into opportunities
Finds the fun in everything to make challenging situations easier; embraces fun, humor and silliness without worrying what others think
Has the courage to be oneself unapologetically
Not afraid to take on challenges
A natural leader, leading as an equal and by example
Is curious, wanting to learn and experience new things, while also willing to teach and help others
Encourages people to get out of their comfort zone
Goes out of their way to bring people together and has the ability to expand relationships
Welcoming and inclusive of others
Values others, encourages their differences and appreciates people for who they are
An ability to listen, without judgment, to others with differing or conflicting views
Able to lift a person’s spirits up and helps them find their own value and success
Makes an individual feel like they are the most important person right at that moment